Won Dark Horse’s Inspired by Manga Contest!
- At May 08, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
I got an email yesterday notifying me I won Dark Horse’s Inspired by Manga Contest so I guess I’ll be expecting a seven-foot high Card Captor Sakura banner and a ton of Dark Horse manga and merch gracing my mail box!
I submitted my entry last week after the fabulous Deb Aoki mentioned it on twitter and I knew it would be an enjoyable distraction from my rigorous Polterguys schedule. Coming up with a quick gag on the fly wasn’t difficult and didn’t take me long either. In contrast from the current pages I’m working on in my book, these pages were really in silly territory so I had a lot of fun with them.
Thank you to everyone involved in the contest and for friends who believe in me and continue to support my work. If I can keep providing fun and interesting stories for you guys, I’d be a happy kid.
You can read my entry by clicking the thumbnails below.
Now, where the heck am I going to put giant Sakura?