Polterguys Chapter 3 Pages 18-27 are up!
- At May 26, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
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Woohoo! Polterguys pages are now updating Tuesdays and Thursdays as we start closing in on June 29th! The story starts really kicking in about now so I hope the pacing will be appropriate.
If you subscribe via RSS reader or keep up with me on Twitter, new pages go up around 10AM PST.
If you prefer reading pages in one chunk on Saturdays, you’ll still get these blog posts letting you know where to start reading on weekends.
Guys, I’m so close!
I need to print up the pages so I can do one final pass over everything. I need a decent cover (oh my god, colors!) and I need to make sure I’ve got all the materials I need for front and back matter. My friend is helping me with preparing the files for print. I’ve never done something this extensive before so I hope it won’t take more than a week to get done.
Sorry, I don’t have much more to share. It’s been a little hectic this week. XD