Polterguys Chapter 3 Pages 1-6 are up!
- At May 05, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
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Group meeting with the guys. Some issues need to be worked on.
Yey, that’s some significant progress over the last one! Just 20 more pages to ink in Chapter 6 and toning all of Chapters 5 and 6 in the next three weeks. I want to send the entire book to the printers by the end of the month to make it in time for Anime Expo. (It’s going to be a photo finish, this one.)
I think pre-orders and contests will start this week (once I figure out how to actually go about them.) There are some nuances to taking pre-orders on Paypal I am not too familiar with so I’d like more time to understand them better. As for contests, I just need time to actually write the details. XD