Polterguys Chapter 2 Pages 1-5 are up!
- At April 07, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
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Hello, welcome back! Thanks for sticking it out during the short break. My trip was quite eventful and a much needed breather from the intensive hours on this book. A recap post should be up tomorrow. The fingers are back to their normal sizes (although, I did notice the top of my index finger is turning slightly red again. Sigh. I really hope I’m not allergic to my tablet pen.)
On a better note, YEY! Chapter 2 begins! The ghosts actually interact with Bree! That’s what everyone’s here for, right? Earlier drafts didn’t even have ghosts shenanigans until Chapter 3 which is way too late in the book for me so I’m quite relieved I eventually managed to get it this way.
I think most people number their pages all the way through the book. (i.e. pages 1-180) That’s what I would have done but because I had to revise constantly, I found this was a simpler way of keeping track of the pages on my computer. I hope it’s not confusing.
Lastly, I’ve been looking into more blogging techniques so you might see some more creative blog posts in the future. I hope you get a kick out of them.
Enjoy the new pages!