Polterguys CH5-12-29 to CH6-1-14 are up!
- At June 23, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
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Chapter 6 begins and we find out Simon’s story.
The story’s winding down from here, guys. Thanks so much for being a part of this journey with me. It’s been a crazy six months and I’ve met so many wonderful people in the process.
It’s also taken up my entire life. Mind you, this is something one signs up for when one creates a graphic novel. On top of time invested to developing the story, you also commit months of work to production. Even more hours on the side to supplement this with blog posts and engaging with readers. I’m lucky I don’t have kids depending on me or anything resembling that. It makes me feel even more in awe for webcomic artists who have full-time jobs and family to care for. You guys are superheroes.
After the book wraps up this week, I will be accepting fan art and fan comics to feature on the site. If you send over High-Res copies (300 dpi, CMYK full color files), I’m also planning to include them in the Polterguys Vol. 1 Companion which is a PDF I’ll have available for purchase later this year. Why print quality? (Because in time, these companion PDFs for each volume will eventually get compiled into a lovely print art book. I just need more material to place in them so it’s worth the trouble!)
Polterguys Vol. 1 Kickstarter Update
We are now at 82%! I’m incredibly grateful we’ve made it this far! I know you’ve all seen Kickstarter campaigns get funded in less than 24 hours but in most of those cases, they are run by established artists with an established fan base already. What makes this one so mind-boggling and special is I don’t know how large or influential my little tribe of followers is yet. It was still a calculated gamble but one that appears to be worth the risk. We just need that extra push to get us over to the top now!
That we’ve made it this far was never a guarantee! Seeing the number of Kickstarter people pledging who didn’t come from my sites (Deviantart, Twitter) is astounding and humbling. I’m very happy they’re choosing to support Polterguys even if they don’t know me personally.
Six Seasons and a Movie
Today and tomorrow is the Six Seasons and a Movie art show! I’ll be dropping by at 7PM because N has a prior engagement in the afternoon. Hope to see some of you there!