2012 Review – 2013 Resolutions
- At February 21, 2013
- By Laur
- In updates
What a year, guys.
Here are just the highlights from 2012:
– created, crowdfunded and published my first book! (and people don’t seem to hate it! ^_~)
– Met Dan Harmon at the Community art gallery show which I participated in
– Started getting more serious freelance work for some reason. (I suspect it’s because of the new site design. Simpler, less intimidating.)
– Got interviewed and reviewed a few times
I’m so so happy I’ve been able to accomplish much of what I’ve set out to do and even though I stopped short of getting the books into physical stores (I ran out of energy from the move to Michigan.) It’s something I’m definitely planning for the second one.
For 2013, I’m stepping it up.
– Pursue art practice more aggressively (Take classes, and undertake regular creative challenges.) I want to level up constantly and create even better work in the immediate future.
– Write and start producing Polterguys Vol. 2 (Here we go again!)
– Blog regularly
– Come up with creative ideas and side projects. (I’m purposely keeping this vague because I already have a few in the burner. I just need time to execute. 😀
I’m pretty excited for this. I hope you are, too?
Wanna share some projects you’re proud to have been a part of last year? What about your goals for this year? Please share them below! I’d love to hear from you.