Short Stuff: A Yu Yu Hakusho Doujinshi

Yu Yu Hakusho doujinshi

Story and Art by Laur Uy
Characters by Yoshihiro Togashi

8.5inx5.5in (Letter sized paper/folded in half)
10 short gag comics featuring Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara
Other characters get to make appearances too!
Rated G for General (Het/No outright pairings)

Some copies still left in stock. Email me laurchan[at] to inquire.

Just got the book in the mail today, and I absolutely love it!! (I still haven’t managed to wipe the silly grin off my face since I first saw it in my mailbox a few hours ago. lol) And instead of ranting about what I love on each page, let me just say that they are all brilliant and I’m still giggling (and totally loving your art style). 🙂 Thanks again for sharing your YYH awesomeness!

I got the comics in the mail today, and i just love it! :D I can’t stop re-reading it once I get to the end (i think this is now my fifth time :XD: ) Thank you so much!


Images are Copyright © Laurianne Uy unless otherwise noted