Publishing Notes from Webcomic Artists
- At November 14, 2011
- By Laur
- In resources

Covers for TJ and Amal (E.K. Weaver) and The Meek (Der-Shing Helmer)
A couple of quick links on publishing and self-publishing comics this week!
E.K. Weaver, the webcomic artist for The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, recently compiled her work into a beautiful printed graphic novel and answered a few questions about self-publishing on tumblr. She successfully raised funds for the project through Kickstarter and is currently shipping out Volume One to her readers.
Der-Shing Helmer, known for her work on The Meek, answered a few questions on Tumblr on her experience publishing a comic through a small press publisher, 4th Dimension Entertainment. 4DE also publishes Hanna is Not a Boy’s Name, Lackadaisy and The Phoenix Requiem.
EDIT: (She’s taken the post down, sorry! Original post is here.
Many thanks to these ladies for sharing their experience!
Thoughts? Suggestions? Feel free to sound off below!