Polterguys Kickstarter Wrap-up + Goodreads Giveaway
- At July 14, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
It’s over and what a month it’s been.
I wish I had more time to write up how much this campaign means to me, N and our project. I really do. But right now, I confess we are running into a more pressing deadline – getting all our possessions boxed up for the movers to evaluate and provide us quotes. As you may be aware, I’m moving to Michigan and the timing is just insane.
I’ll be doing my best to provide updates on other things besides Kickstarter but the truth is 80% of my time is dedicated to moving concerns so I hope you understand and thanks for your patience. I probably can’t provide much updates until next week.
Read More»The Problem with How To Draw Manga Books
- At July 10, 2012
- By Laur
- In tips
Back when I lived in the Philippines, I remember discovering my first How to Draw Manga books. They were tucked in the arts section of my local bookstore next to the books on painting and architecture. I recall getting quite excited because I just discovered chinese-translated manga and wanted to learn how to make my own comics.
But even then, I knew they wouldn’t be able to help me completely. I didn’t like the house “style” they employed and preferred to use my own. I felt no need to learn how to draw manga eyes, face or hair the way they prescribe because I observed from watching countless anime, they were all drawn differently any way. Why would I want to draw what everyone else is drawing? I wanted to learn cool stuff like how to draw backgrounds or fighting poses and bought the corresponding books in the series for that. But you know what? I never did actually learn much from them.
Read More»Polterguys Feedback!
- At July 07, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates

Polterguys books ready to go
With the webcomic version of Volume One officially over. I’d like to pick your brains on how the whole thing went. Seriously, I’m no expert at this and I’d like to know if there’s anything I could do better next time.
Read More»Polterguys Joins Few Manga-Inspired Comics to Ever Win Xeric
- At July 06, 2012
- By Laur
- In press
JULY 5, 2012
Los Angeles, Calif. – The Xeric Foundation announced Thursday the winners of its final round of grants, and Polterguys is among those chosen to receive the maximum $5,000 aid for self-publishers. Polterguys becomes one of the rare manga-inspired graphic novels to win the award throughout the Foundation’s almost 20-year history.
Polterguys Vol. 1 is a story about Bree Redfield, a smart but socially awkward college girl who ends up moving into a house haunted by five ghost guys. She is the only one that can see them and help resolve their unfinished business.
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