2012 Review – 2013 Resolutions
- At February 21, 2013
- By Laur
- In updates
What a year, guys.
Here are just the highlights from 2012:
– created, crowdfunded and published my first book! (and people don’t seem to hate it! ^_~)
– Met Dan Harmon at the Community art gallery show which I participated in
– Started getting more serious freelance work for some reason. (I suspect it’s because of the new site design. Simpler, less intimidating.)
– Got interviewed and reviewed a few times
I’m so so happy I’ve been able to accomplish much of what I’ve set out to do and even though I stopped short of getting the books into physical stores (I ran out of energy from the move to Michigan.) It’s something I’m definitely planning for the second one.
For 2013, I’m stepping it up.
– Pursue art practice more aggressively (Take classes, and undertake regular creative challenges.) I want to level up constantly and create even better work in the immediate future.
– Write and start producing Polterguys Vol. 2 (Here we go again!)
– Blog regularly
– Come up with creative ideas and side projects. (I’m purposely keeping this vague because I already have a few in the burner. I just need time to execute. 😀
I’m pretty excited for this. I hope you are, too?
Wanna share some projects you’re proud to have been a part of last year? What about your goals for this year? Please share them below! I’d love to hear from you.
Living Well on Less
- At February 19, 2013
- By Laur
- In tips
This was the podcast I was on a few weeks ago with C. Spike Trotman. I’ve been blessed to have a penny-pinching partner so this topic is actually one that I’m quite familiar with. As a comic artist, it’s important to have a very good grasp of your financial situation because 1) if you’re freelancing, that’s of utmost importance and 2) if you’re going to be self-publishing and starting your own business, it becomes even more so.
I make some points about finding your own tribe which is a concept from Seth Godin’s book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us.
These are my favorite financial sites that I mentioned and don’t forget to check out Spike’s Poorcraft!
New Year, New Style and a Valentine for you
- At February 14, 2013
- By Laur
- In updates
*dusts off blog*
Happy new year and Happy Valentines, guys! First off, my apologies for the lack of updates since January. Recently, I’ve started getting buried in freelance work which has been good for me and the bills but hasn’t been good for 1)blogging and updates and 2) finishing up the Vol. 1 PDF I’ve been teasing since November. That’s completely my fault but I’m in unfamiliar waters and just learning as I go. I’m the hardest on myself on matters like these but I’m resolved to organize my time better and make room for what’s important. Mainly – you guys! Thanks for your patience!
I generally like blogging and having a voice on the web but lately, it’s felt so much like a “chore I have to do.” It sits on on my To-Do list grumpily uncrossed for weeks and whenever I actually sit down to do it, I distract myself like crazy. So, I’m changing it up a little.
I’m going “Seth Godin” style with short but sincere posts coming to you every week. My hope is to keep up with a consistent schedule and also share moments, thoughts and habits I feel have helped me either become the artist I am now or continue to help me with my work (organization, creativity, productivity, writing, drawing) If you already follow me on tumblr and twitter, there might be some overlaps over what I actually share but I promise I’ll go into some more detail here.
I haven’t forgotten about the Kickstarter series! In fact, that’s my topic for my upcoming Comics Art Forum talk at the Ann Arbor Downtown Library next month. That’s motivation enough for me to work on it so stay tuned!
Polterguys is now a Featured Comic on MangaMagazine
- At December 03, 2012
- By Laur
- In updates
I’ve already mentioned before how much I appreciated MangaMagazine’s contributions to the growing local manga industry and I thought their site would be another great community to introduce my work to. So, I started uploading comic pages and illustrations a few months earlier and have been updating there consistently.
I’m very happy to announce they have invited me to be a Featured user on their site!
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